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About the Grad film

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Long synopses: 

In Spring 1968 in Finland, two babies were born. These babies were called Satu and Jarko and they would meet in five years and spend the rest of their lives together. 
We all have heard great love stories of “star crossed lovers”  to “doomed lovers with great tragedy”. But the greatest love story that I have ever heard and saw is my parent’s story.
This is a heartwarming short documentary that is telling the story of how my parents Satu and Jarko first met when they were kids, to their first date, to first break up to married life with kids and cats. 

Short Synopses; 

This is a heartwarming short documentary about how my parents Satu and Jarko met as kids and what happened after that. The story is about their first meeting as strangers to friends, to girlfriend and boyfriend and lastly to a married couple with a bunch of kids and cats. 



Addtional information


Director and producer: Sarah Heittola
Camera operator: Caitlin Henderson
Composer: Callista Hunt
Graphics: Melissa Junttila 



Thank you: 
Satu & Jarko Heittola
Yergalem Carimini
Kia Suolahti
Jarno Nuberg
Chantal Miles

Vassiliki Kanaki
Olavi Heittola
Kirsti & Pekka Pajunen
Tarja Helin
Fabiane St Clair

PCA film


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